6 Dorm Room Moving Tips

Wow! It is time to move your son or daughter into a dorm. This may be the first time you have done this. If that is the case, it is a bland new process for you and your college student. Here are six helpful hints on getting moved.
Prior to the move in day, you and your student need to review all the paperwork sent from the residential office. It should give you the entire move in day particulars, like times and procedures. It may even give you a check list of what you need and what is not allowed. You may also want to note where the parking is in relation to the dorm. You may have to lug all the stuff up a hill or across part of the campus. If this is the case, a dolly would be very helpful for move in day. You will want to create a paper file ahead of time with copies of all your submitted paperwork and any additional information that is required for final registration or check in.
When packing for move in day, keep in mind to pack just the essential stuff. Non-essential items can be shipped to arrive after move in day. This is where a variety of storage bins come in handy. Plastic bins with tops are a perfect way to organize all your essential stuff in related groups. When buying bins for extra linens and towels, focus on the under the bed sizes. These can just slide under your dorm bed without having to be unpacked. It will also provide you extra storage for these items by using the unused room in your dorm room. You can use other plastic bins for needs such as laundry soaps, snacks, bathroom toiletries, school supplies, and even extra storage for clothes. By packing your items in bins by groups, you keep it organized and easier to set up housekeeping when you get there.
Keep in mind when packing your clothes that you won’t need winter wear in August or September. These items can be shipped or picked up on a trip home. Packing clothes for college takes a little thinking. Most of what you will want is just the comfortable daily wear. You may also need a couple of dressy outfits for campus functions. If you are music major, your college may require a specific outfit or uniform for performances. So keep these needs in mind when packing your clothing.
There is limited room in a dorm for personal items or electronics. You may have an allowed list of electronics for your dorm room that you should pay special attention to. If you have a dorm mate, you can get with them ahead of time to eliminate both of you bringing a microwave or toaster. Personal décor items may need to be limited to a comforter and matching pillows. If you want pictures of family and friends, a digital picture frame that can have pictures loaded into its’ memory is the best option. You can place this on a dresser or desk. Another way to personalize is a lamp or your desktop organizer. These are needed items that can be chosen to better fit your personality.
You may not be taking a car to college. If you are traveling a long distance, you may want to consider purchasing your needs when you get there. You can shop locally, close to the college. Keep in mind others may be doing the same thing and so the selection may not be that great. You can also order your items online and pick them up at a local store. Walmart, for instance, allows online ordering and free delivery to a specific store for pick up. Once you place your order, it can take up to 14 days for a store to receive it. You will receive an email when the store has your order. You will then have 14 days to pick it up. Another option if you are flying is to ship your items ahead of time. You can pack for the flight with a week’s worth of clothes, toiletries and your laptop. Then you just need to pick up your shipment.
When checking into your dorm room, the residential manager may give you a checklist to go through the dorm room and check for any damage prior to you moving in. This is an important step. Be sure to note any damage to furniture or rooms before you move in. You don’t want to be charged for someone else’s damage when you move out. You may also want to check the mattress for any sign of bedbugs. Your college may provide a mattress case that protects the mattress. If they do not, you should consider purchasing and installing one as soon as possible.
So now you have some great ideas to make move in day a smoother process. Hopefully, you are all ready when the day comes. Don’t forget the camera to document this moment for your student and Kleenex for the Mom.