Long Island Movers Offer Tips For A Smooth Move

Are you planning a move anytime soon? If so, you need to start thinking now about everything that needs to get done. The earlier you begin planning for a move, the easier and more smoothly your move will go. What do you need to do for preparation to move all your belongings to your new place? Here are some helpful moving and packing tips from the Long Island movers at Long Island Moving And Storage to keep you organized and stress-free during your upcoming move.
Get yourself some boxes and other moving supplies. You don’t want to choose used boxes- these can be worn down which means they won’t stand up to the move with your belongings inside them. We can provide boxes for packing your belongings that are sturdy and meant for the purpose of moving.
Start packing your belongings that are seasonal and you won’t need for awhile. This can include things you have in storage units that you will be taking to your new property, but that you aren’t currently using. You can pack pictures on the walls, clothes that you’ve packed away after summer (or winter, depending on when your move will take place!) and anything else that is currently not being used.
Get rid of anything you don’t need. You can donate unnecessary items to charity or you can have a big garage sale now! Getting rid of unneeded belongings before your move can save you a lot of time and hassle during your move.
Discuss your move with your family. Make sure that everyone knows about the move, especially children. A move to a new location can be traumatic to a child, so having lots of discussions about your impending move can help make the transition go smoothly.
Get copies of your medical records. When you move to a new property that is a long distance from your current property, you will need to look for new medical offices for yourself and your family and having a copy of your medical records can make your transition to a new doctor easier.
Notify banks, creditors, utilities and other companies of your impending move. Make sure they have your new address and know when the new address will become effective.
When searching for moving companies on Long Island, look no further than the professionals at Long Island Moving And Storage. Our organized movers can help you with packing services, moving services and storage services, depending on your particular needs. If you have questions about the moving process or would like help planning your next move, please contact us today. If you would like an estimate on moving services, check out our free estimates! We are happy to help you with every aspect of your next Long Island move.