Professional Packing Services Save The Headache Of Moving

Are you getting ready for a big move? Feeling a little overwhelmed? Moving all of your belongings from one location to another can be time consuming and frustrating. Letting a professional moving service help you pack may be exactly what you need to accomplish your next big move efficiently. Long Island Moving and Storage has the experience you need to make that move as easy as possible. With over 80 years in the moving business, you can be sure that they will help you move safely. Moving should be a fun and exciting time. You are starting a new adventure in your life. Let us help you start it out right.
Here are a few quick packing tips to help you get started:
Packing Material: Make sure to gather the proper packing material to keep your items safe throughout the transition. At Long Island Moving and Storage we offer a variety of packing supplies to help you out.
Packing Boxes: Pack boxes to their capacity so items do not shift during travel. But do not pack boxes too heavy. The lighter the box, the better it can be lifted safely without any strain.
Labels Help: Labeling the boxes as you go will help you efficiently place them in your new home. It will also help you unpack faster and get you off to a good start on your unpacking.
Get a Head Start: Starting as early as possible on your packing will help you feel less overwhelmed and more organized.
Pack Safely: Make sure to wrap up delicate and fragile items in paper or bubble wrap to help ensure their safe travel.
Don’t Pack Big Items: If an item does not ‘need’ a box because it is too large and bulky do not pack it. For items like this you can wrap them in blankets or towels to help with safe transportation.
At Long Island Moving and Storage, we are here to help you move from the beginning plans to the final furniture placement. We also offer storage units for your temporary and long term storage needs. Give us a call today and let us see how we can help. Our goal is to safely and efficiently move your items from one location to the next in a timely manner.