Long Island Moving & Storage Blog
Bobby Falvo On Long Island Moving Trends
In the article, U.S. Census estimate: Suffolk losing residents, but Nassau gaining, published on Newsday.com, Bobby Falvo of Long Island Moving & Storage weighs in on moving trends. Continue
Moving Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

Moving is hard. With all that's involved in organizing, planning, and packing, maybe it’s time to check out the benefits of utilizing a professional moving company. Continue
Downsize Before A Move For A Cleaner More Organized Home

Moving is never an easy task in even the best of conditions. So many things factor in—geographic distance, drastic climate changes, a sudden and unexpected move that calls for downsizing and reducing the amount of personal items and furniture. This invariably happens when one moves from a house to an apartment or even from a large house to a much smaller one. Continue
Why Choose Long Island Moving & Storage

The time has come…that long awaited day of transferring your entire life’s accumulated possessions from one location to the next. It may be a move across town. Perhaps it is a couple towns over…or maybe even a “coast to coast” move as a result of a job transfer. Regardless of the reason for the move, the daunting task of packing, handling heavy furniture, boxing up heirlooms and other… Continue
Winter Moving Tips

There are many things that winter brings into our life, some of which are full of fun and excitement. What child hasn’t enjoyed a good snowball fight? How about the excitement of getting out the big toboggan and heading to the hills for snow sledding? Or ice skating and downhill skiing? Or building that huge snowman? How about that big snow fort? For others, the fun of winter is… Continue